Welcome to CrossingPoints!
CrossingPoints is a partnership between The University of Alabama’s Department of Special Education & Multiple Abilities in the College of Education and the Tuscaloosa City and County School Systems. The purpose of CrossingPoints is to provide transition services for students with disabilities ages 18-21. Students participating in CrossingPoints receive hands-on instruction in vocational/employment aspects of transition in specially selected or assigned job sites at The University of Alabama. The students spend up to three hours a day, four days a week in real job settings, while receiving instruction in skills for employment, independent living, and functional academics. The CrossingPoints Transition Model program helps employers better understand the advantages and realities of hiring people with disabilities.
CrossingPoints serves students with significant disabilities ages 18-21 years who are still receiving IDEA services during the academic year. Tier 1 is a collaboration between The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa City Schools, and Tuscaloosa County School System
The Summer Bridge Program is a postsecondary pipeline program for college-age students with intellectual disabilities ages 19+ years from Alabama and beyond.
The CrossingPoints Certificate in Occupational Studies (CCOS) is a non-degree certificate program for young adults with intellectual disabilities who are interested in pursuing postsecondary education at The University of Alabama.

Mission Statement
“We believe in creating learning opportunities for students with significant intellectual disabilities so that no-one ever has to doubt their value.” (WHY)
We do it by creating and utilizing protocols and procedures that make it possible for others to replicate our success. (HOW)
We test, innovate, explore, and create opportunities for youth with intellectual disabilities to access and participate in inclusive experiences related to:
- Community (WHAT)
- Postsecondary Education
- Independent living
- Recreation/Leisure
- Competitive Integrated Employment

Have more questions? Click the Request More Information link to get more info about CrossingPoints and how we serve college-aged students with intellectual disabilities.