Welcome to the Certificate in Occupational Studies (CCOS) Program at The University of Alabama! The CrossingPoints Certificate in Occupational Studies (CCOS) is a non-degree certificate program for young adults with intellectual disabilities interested in pursuing postsecondary education at The University of Alabama. CCOS seeks to provide students with intellectual disabilities with high-quality and inclusive college experience. Upon completing the CCOS program, you will earn a Certificate in Occupational Studies, a non-degree credential.
Students enrolled in CCOS program will:
- Successfully complete individualized academic enrichment goals by earning passing grades in UA courses that provide inclusive supports and will be measured by the CCOS Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) rubric.
- Demonstrate knowledge of community-based skills that support self-determination and self-management by successfully completing a portfolio assessment demonstrating their understanding of critical skills for living independently including, but not limited to financial management, transportation, and agency/self-determination in academic enrichment courses.
- Demonstrate capacity for self-determination and self-management that also includes making sound decisions on personal wellness and socialization, as evidenced in earning a rating of Satisfactory, measured by a rubric drawn from the Positive Choices curriculum.
- Gain practical experiences performing essential skills related to their chosen careers as paid employees in community-based employment settings.